
The area of production of the pigs intended to the production of lacons comprises the geographic zone of the Autonomous Community of Galicia. This way, only those pigs born and breed in the area, belonging as well to farms inscribed in this Board, shall serve as raw material to obtain the sheltered product.

Likewise, the zone of elaboration of the lacons spans only and exclusively within the Community of Galicia; this way, only the slaughterhouses, quartering houses and meat factories located there shall be registered in the Board and carry out their activity under shelter of the Denomination.


Caarcterísticas CR Lacón Gallego


Pigs must belong in the Celt, Large White, Landrace or Duroc breeds, as well as their crossings. Cross with White Belgian and Pietrain -both of tried and tested meat suitability- is allowed, as long as their extent is less than 25%. The board will study all the newly appearing crosses and lineages, with regard to their possible inclusion.

According to the feeding received, lacons are classified in the following classes:

  • Traditional Galician Lacon: Those that come from pigs feed in a traditional fashion (on cereals, acorns, chestnuts and tubers) during, at least, their latter three months of life.
  • Galician Lacon: Those coming from pigs nourished on feed authorized and controlled by the Regulation Board.

It is expressly forbidden the use of products that may interfere with the normal growth rate, as well as of oils, fish flour and their derivatives, during fattening.

Males shall be castrated before entering the fatting box. Females shall not be on heat at the time of slaughter.


Razas cerdos

Ministerio FEADER Xunta de Galicia
CR Lacón Gallego